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Mum of N - Year 9

March 2024

"Our daughter's life was turned upside down having started secondary school. She became overwhelmed by the chaos of a big school, experienced intolerable unkindness, lost trust in her friends, became exhausted  and deeply unhappy trying to 'fit in'. Eventually our daughter became a school refuser. Without an education and structure in her life, she felt she had no purpose and because of this she would spend most days in her bedroom, hiding from the world. She did not function on a normal, healthy level and had fallen into a deep depression. We were beyond concerned for her welfare. 


Following a diagnosis of Autism, we were offered alternative education through BCP. We had an initial meeting with N's tutor,  James, who initially  spent time with us as a family listening and considering our views and ultimately our daughter's personal views and goals. 

James approached our daughter 's needs in a open-minded and caring manner. He was holistic in his approach to our daughter's needs, with an awareness that the input she required went beyond academic education. Initially, James spent time gaining N's trust and building her confidence through his innate positivity and fun, positive feedback postcards that boosted her self-esteem. As well as getting her back to academic studies, James focused on N's need to challenge herself to spend time out of the home. A challenge to build motivation, but James introduced physical exercise and social interaction which was achieved by walking a friend's dog, visiting the local shops, café and beach. 

At times when our daughter was feeling anxious and afraid to engage with anyone, James would encourage N to create and make! Scrap booking, pebble painting, felting to name but a few of the enjoyable activities that N happily engaged with. 

Ultimately, James helped to support our daughter to believe in herself. In her own words; "James helped me with my confidence, to overcome challenges and to get back to school". Following James's tuition and continued support, our daughter was able to start a new school and regain all the positive things in life that she had so deeply missed."


Parents of L - Year 10

March 2024

"We have been incredibly fortunate to have James involved in rescuing our son’s permanent exclusion from school. We had not met James prior to his engagement – and the following is a summary of the experience:


James gained our trust instantly and felt like part of the family the moment he walked in – making his regular presence in our house a pleasure and never intrusive, out of sync with our busy living / working space, or tricky in any way. Watching James spend time with our son from a personal development, life coach, teacher perspective but wrapped in a ‘friend’ approach was amazing – our son growing in confidence and appearing more and more willing to learn and return to education with each passing week.


James’ approach to our son was to initially just talk to him and get to know his personal areas of interest – eager to simply listen. James has rich life experience and is able to share a story (with humour) on pretty much any subject. With trust developing through conversations and time, James built on our son’s interests with focussed trips – again, building confidence and trust.


With growing trust and familiarity, and from a relaxed perspective, James then started to “unpick” the reasons behind our son’s exclusion – and using his headmasters experience – being able to discuss events from the perspective of life choices and lessons for the future – but never with any sense of judgement or in a way that was confrontational. Our son enjoyed talking to James – with laughter often being heard from the room they held sessions in.


Whilst carrying out the unpicking of choices and building of confidence and trust, James was also laying the ground work for returning to education (in whatever form that would take) by getting our son to do little bits of learning – initially on things that interested him but then slowly bringing the curriculum into play – but always at the right speed and always in a way that kept our son enthused – the work being carried out for a friend rather than “for a tutor” or “for school.”


James slowly ramped up the education side but making it worthwhile with rewards – often taking our son out for things he liked doing for completing good work or taking a session seriously with focussed attention.  At all times, James would be in touch to reassure and always feeding back to us as parents on observations or things we needed to be aware of.


In readying our son for his return to education, James was fully focussed on details and practicalities – prepared to do whatever was necessary to help in any way – always offering reassurance and support and often using personal contacts to “smooth the way.” James goes out of his way to make sure all aspects are covered – thinking through all the elements that concern young adults and their own particular traits and requirements that parents may not have considered.


James genuinely cares about helping young adults / children through their educational and life difficulties – we are so very grateful of all his help over the last few months. Our son is happy and thriving in his new school – the life lessons taught by James making him appear a totally different person and student – eager to learn and be taught at school but also eager to be more helpful at home. 


When considering the serious nature of our son’s exclusion, we genuinely feared our son was destined to never return to a normal school or entertain the standard curriculum / exams. With James’ help and dedication, our son is thriving at his new school, with teachers openly expressing surprise as to his previous exclusion reason and behaviours. Conversations with our son are now about how much he enjoys school, moving up sets and positive teacher feedback – which a few months ago, prior to James, would have seemed laughable.


If you have a young adult or child in a similar situation, can I please suggest that you let James work his magic – you will not be disappointed. As parents, seeing the outcomes of his services, we would not hesitate in recommending."


Mum of H 

Year 2 - Summer Term 2024

"When my son H first started with seaside learning it felt slightly strange having someone come into your home to get to know you and then start taking your child out.  It’s completely different to anything we had experienced before and so of course, it was going to feel a little odd.


H was not too keen on the idea at first and even after the first session he was not too sure. However over the next week H started to learn what it was going to be like working with James and his team and they created a great teacher pupil relationship, allowing H to feel safe enough to go out with James and without myself.  

James is very friendly and full of positive energy, he took time to learn about H and he created a safe environment for H to learn in. He has worked well with myself and my family too, having good communication, giving feedback, making plans and listening.


When H started receptions he started to struggle to do anything outside of school and even weekends were a struggle, as he got older it only got harder. It was so upsetting, as before starting school he loved exploring new things and going out. Working with James and the Seaside Learning team, H has been so much happier in himself and has started enjoying going out to places again. H still needs down time, but he has even started to ask me to go to different places too. 


They have worked on H’s social skills and his confidence is growing in lots of things he does. Although there is still a long way to go he is trying a lot harder to control his physical aggression at home using his words instead.  He is listening and being more respectful of others. 


H talks so happily about his experiences and told his Nana “I learn while I play” and myself “James is like a superhero and Katie is like his psychic’ 


H says “you get to do stuff you can’t normally do at normal school, it doesn’t feel like you’re learning but you are”.


It has been an amazing experience for H and our family, with H starting a new school we will truly miss James and the Seaside Learning team.  They have helped H see the world in a different light, that not everything is scary. I think he will remember his time with them forever."


Mum of L 

June  2024

"L has always lacked confidence in maths. However, since being tutored by James, he now feels more equipped with the skills to approach his SATs. L loves the way that maths is made relevant to him; he is football mad so activities are shaped around this (he's even rewarded with a penalty shoot out at the end of the session for focusing well). Even when a bit under the weather, he didn't want to miss his tutoring session and he "loves tutor time".

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